Didn't quite make it to the barn yesterday. Instead I took a trip up Hartz Mountain. It was a fortuitously warm day after a few days of snow, which meant the snowmelt made many small torrents that ran hidden under the crust of cushion plants and remaining ice. You can listen to me walk atop the mountain range here: (sorry for my coughing halfway)
Remember, I too could hear the water, but rarely saw it... there was a mysterious hidden world beneath, and this is what I could see above the torrents...
Hartz Mountain - crust above snow melt
It was really high
Pretty amazing, huh?
Cushion plants
Much of the plant life and fungi ironically resembles coral and sea life. That last pic is of a cushion plant which really you shouldn't touch, but it was hard to resist! I reckon if you want to deter people from touching you should call it 'prickle plant' or 'poison plant'. 'Cushion' is just an invite to not only touch but to lay down and take a nap whilst listening to the soothing sounds of the melt :) (I didn't resist.. I very gently touched. It was a hard surface on the outside. Think pressing a semi-flat soccer ball).
The end - a short post, for no doubt you need to pee ;)